Res Musica

Res Musica 9 (2017)

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On 13 May 2015, Urve Lippus, Professor of the Department of Musicology at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and one of Estonia’s most prominent musicologists, passed away suddenly and tragically. She was also the editor-in-chief of the yearbook Res Musica. On 23 April 2016, the traditional one-day conference of the Estonian Musicological Society took place in Tartu, at the Heino Eller Tartu Music High School. The conference was dedicated to the memory of Urve Lippus. This issue of Res Musica contains materials presented during that conference.

Altogether there were nine presentations. Four of these were the starting points for the full-scale peer-reviewed research papers that appear in the present yearbook. Their authors are Brigitta Davidjants, Mart Humal, Janika Oras and Helena Tyrväinen. In addition, four more contributions from the Tartu conference are included in the yearbook. These have a more personal character, and as such were not peer-reviewed. Their authors are Mimi Daitz, Anu Kõlar, Mark Lawrence and Andreas Waczkat. The yearbook also contains a conference paper on Veljo Tormis (by Jaan Ross), reviews of several musicological publications, including three doctoral theses, as well as the traditional chronicle of musicological activities in Estonia. Publication of this volume was supported by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (research project IUT12-1) and by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies).

Jaan Ross

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Table of Contents:



Rahvusliku identiteedi konstrueerimine muusikas: juhtumiuuring Aram Hatšaturjanist

Mart Humal

Linearity in Music

Lineaarsusest muusikas

Lemmiklapsed ja võõraslapsed. Eliidi ja rahvalikud vaated eesti rahvalaulustiilidele

Ilmari Krohn ja soome muusikateaduse varased Prantsuse-kontaktid: mobiilsus, suhtevõrgustike loomine ja interaktsioon



Pilguheit kahele Ameerika Ühendriikidesse emigreerunud muusikute rühmale: 1938–1943 esmajoones Austriast ja Saksamaalt ning 1944–1950 Eestist tulnud

Prelüüd, fugett ja postlüüd: mõtteid rahvuslusest ja rahvuslikust muusikast kolmes osas

Veljo Tormise ja Urve Lippuse pärand

Elmar Arro nägemus kaasaegsest eesti muusikast

Veljo Tormis ja minimalism. Tema uue helikeele retseptsioonist 1960ndatel aastatel



Kadri Tüür, Andreas Kalkun

Lähme, lähme, köime, köime

Ingrid Rüütel. Muhumaa laule ja lugusid. Tartu 2016

Leopold Brauneiss. Arvo Pärdi tintinnabuli-stiil: arhetüübid ja geomeetria. Laulasmaa 2017


