Res Musica 1 (2009)
The first issue of the Res Musica yearbook contains researched articles on the history of musical life. This selection of articles was initiated by a conference at the Academic Library of the University of Tartu in 2007 entitled ‘Universitätsmusikdirektor 200, Tartu’, whose focus was music and musical life in the universities of the Baltic area in the 19th century. Articles of a more general nature, covering related issues, were then added to articles arising out of papers from this conference.
The yearbook Res Musica aims to become the widest forum of Estonian musicology publishing articles in all the areas of musicological research written by most international circle of scholars. One of the goals of the journal is to develop musicological discourse in Estonian, relating it at the same time to the central problems and discourses in different languages that are often based on quite different traditions of thinking and writing about music. Thus, another goal of the journal might be to synthesize the currently dominating English-language discourse with German that was the language of academic life in the Baltic states earlier in the 20th century, and Russian musicological thought that defined much of the communication in the field during the Soviet decades. First of all, we plan to publish single articles and thematic numbers of the journal in Estonian, but also in English and German. In any case, articles will be provided with extensive summaries translated into Estonian or, in case of Estonian articles, into English or German (depending on the theme). In addition to the articles based on musicological research, each number of the journal will include a section of reviews and an overview of the last year in Estonian musicological life.
The yearbook will be published by the Musicological Department of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and the Estonian Musicological Society. All articles will be peer-reviewed before accepting them for publishing by scholars active in similar areas of academic research. In finding potential contributors and reviewers the editors are assisted by the international editorial board. In recent decades, the number of scholars with at least reading knowledge of Estonian has rapidly increased both in our neighbouring countries and in the English-speaking world enabling us to get backfeed for works in Estonian from outside of our own small community. At the same time, the editors plan to use the possibility of translating all the contents of one volume into one language if the selection of articles forms a thematically homogeneous whole addressing some specific circle of potential readers (e.g. Estonian readers interested in history and culture outside musicology; or international scholars in some specific field like contemporary analysis of music).
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Table of Contents:
(Urve Lippus)
Toomas Siitan
Baltisaksa ja eesti kultuuriruum 19. sajandi teise poole Eesti- ja Liivimaal: kooriseltsid ja identiteedikujundus
Der baltendeutsche und estnische Kulturraum im Estland und Livland der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts: Gesangvereine und Identitätsbildung
Akademische Musiklehrer und Musikdirektoren an Universitäten des Ostseeraums: Überlegungen zur Etablierung und Ausgestaltung eines Amtes im 19. Jahrhundert
Geiu Rohtla
Muusikaõpetaja koht Tartu ülikoolis 1803–1807
Die Stelle des Musiklehrers an der Universität Tartu 1803–1807
Andreas Waczkat
Friedrich Konrad Griepenkerl (1782–1849), Braunschweigi Collegium Carolinumi professor ja Braunschweigi Lauluakadeemia esimene direktor
Friedrich Konrad Griepenkerl (1782–1849) – Professor am Braunschweiger Collegium Carolinum und erster Direktor der Braunschweiger Singakademie
Karl Traugott Goldbach
Arthur von Oettingen ja tema orthotonophonium oma aja kontekstis
Zwischen Experiment und Spekulation – Anmerkungen zum musiktheoretischen Denken von Arthur von Oettingen
Fredrik Pacius und Richard Faltin – zwei Universitätsmusikdirektoren in Helsinki
Fabian Dahlström
„Piae cantionese” traditsioon Soomes 1616–1900
Die finnische Piae-Cantiones-Tradition 1616–1900
Aleksander Pulver
Jaan Rossi muusikapsühholoogilised capriccio’d
Jaan Ross. Kaksteist loengut muusikapsühholoogiast. Tartu, 2007
Muusikateadusliku elu kroonika 2004–2008
(Anu Paulus)